DiHeSys – Digital Health Systems GmbH is an innovative and digital healthcare provider.
We develop and produce IT and technological systems to provide personalized medicine for patients.
With our services and products we are able to optimize the healthcare ecosystem for patients in the area of prevention, diagnostics, medical treatment and rehabilitation. We created the basis for future outcome based healthcare.
Actually we can see new megatrends like "precision medicine" and "responsible patients" who want to take more and more direct responsibility for their health.
Well established processes in the daily business of physisians, pharmacies, wholesalers, pharmaceutical industry and health insurances become more and more digital to save the data or to evaluate health data via artificial intelligence.
Health related data will become more and more important for the single patient by using data evaluation for prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation. The more modern patients will be more interested in his own health condition and the patient can use the health related information and platform technology (for example gamification) to increase the quality of medical treatment. The patient is interested in using the smartphone, wearables, digital printing and is willing to take part in benefit programs of health insurances to keep his optimal health condition.
The timing of digitalization in healthcare is slower compared to other areas. But the aging of society, higher quality standards, drug safety, faster access to prevention, better adherence, fewer side effects and the need for cost control in healthcare will push and speed up the request for digitalization.